Church & Missions

  • Churches continue to leave UMC after disaffiliation provision expires

    Congregations within the United Methodist Church continue to leave the mainline Protestant denomination, even after an official disaffiliation process expired at the end of last year. From 2019 to 2023, the UMC Book of Discipline included a measure known as Paragraph 2553, which created a process for disaffiliating from the denomination due to its years-long debate over whether to bless same-sex unions and ordain noncelibate homosexuals.

  • [Book review] The questions you should be asking

    I first met Brian Kreeger, author of The Courageous Ask: A Proactive Approach to Prevent the Fall of Christian Non-profit Leaders, at the 2023 Christian Leadership Conference in Chicago in March. Along with another attendee, we shared an enjoyable day together after the conference as tourists, including a cruise on the Chicago River and joining the multitude at the spectacular sculpture Cloud Gate.


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