At the opening ceremony of its new six-floor facility, the Hospital Evangèlic de Barcelona (Evangelical Hospital in Barcelona) in the second largest city in Spain celebrated a new phase in its nearly 150-year history - and also its new name. Previously known as Nou hospital evangèlic, the hospital hosted an event on Oct. 25 (2024) with leaders from the evangelical community and wider healthcare field gathered to show their support and appreciation.
The new building encompasses a surface area of more than 10,000 sqm (~108,000 sqft), with a 200-bed capacity for 2,700 patients per year, alongside a ground floor area for outpatients.
Dignitaries at the opening event included Juan Martínez, Chairman of the Consell Evangèlic de Catalunya; Carolina Bueno, Executive Secretary of the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain (FEREDE); and Ramon Bassas, Director General of Religious Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Catalan government.
At the ceremony, Bassas highlighted “the fundamental role of the evangelical hospital in intermediate care in the city, since health is not just about healing the wound, it is also about empathy and humanity, characteristics that define this hospital.”
Martinez spoke about “the feeling of pride and gratitude for a building like this, imbued with human and Christian values.” He added that “the hospital has left an indelible mark on the lives of many people and on the city of Barcelona.”
Bueno emphasized that “the hospital is a clear symbol of courage, sacrifice and dedication.”
Medical staff have already worked on-site since April. The building will host meetings and training as part of the hospital’s key role in providing leading healthcare with an integrated, Christian approach.
“The event marks a key moment for the hospital, reaffirming its commitment to integrated person-centered care, grounded in Christian values, a principle it has maintained since its foundation in 1879 [by the Evangelical Hospital Private Foundation],” Reyes Gualda, the chief executive officer of Grup Assistencial Evangèlic, told Christian Daily International after the event.
The new center will not only alleviate healthcare capacity in the city but provide innovation in intermediate and palliative care.
“Specially designed to humanize spaces with modern infrastructure that facilitates patient recovery, the hospital is positioned as a fundamental pillar in the care of Barcelona’s most vulnerable people,” added Gualda.
“Its collaboration with other leading healthcare centers in the city such as Hospital del Mar and Hospital de Sant Pau makes for greater coordination in the care of patients with complex needs, offering an integrated, humane service.”
Jordi Urbea, master of ceremonies and member of the board of the Evangelical Hospital Private Foundation, welcomed attendees to the opening ceremony and highlighted the importance of the facility for both the hospital and city community. He also presented an introduction video showcasing the essential values of the Hospital Evangèlic de Barcelona.
Francisco Mira, chairman of the boards of trustees, then recounted the hospital’s history and its continuing mission to serve the Barcelona community with the Kingdom of God being “the essence” of the healthcare facility.
“The history of the hospital has been marked by commitment and faith,” said Mira, “and this building is the result of the organization’s vision and the evangelical community’s desire to serve its environment.”
A time of thanksgiving during the event involved Dr. Gerard Urrutia reflecting again on the history and his own personal connections to the hospital. Prayers were led by Dr. Josué Garrigós, who also recalled the 14 years of stirling effort to ensure the construction of the new building.
Gualda then prayed about the future of the institution, saying: “It is a great project because it is grounded in solid values, makes the evangelical community visible, and most importantly, has a profound impact on the people and families of Barcelona. We feel immensely grateful.”
A highlight of the event was a prize given to Mira, the board chairman, by writer Rosa Serra, author of at least 20 books and known for writing about historical recollection such as “Entre dos focs” looking at the suffering of children during the Spanish Civil War and the humanitarian work of the Quakers at that time.
Serra, giving the award, emphasized the connection between her own work preserving historical memory and the values of the evangelical hospital, namely compassion, service and care of people.
A musical performance of jazz and soul by artiste Wilma Ann also delighted attendees at the event.
Then guests toured the hospital to see the facilities, including an “empathetic room.” This room is an innovative model of a ward for two, meeting therapeutic needs and “the autonomy, privacy, comfort and social interaction that patients require,” Gualda said.
“The beds are strategically arranged in an opposite direction to create the sensation of a private room, enhancing the well-being of both patients and their companions or family members,” she added.
Guests were also given a copy of the newly published book “Una història d’humanitat i compromís” [a history of humanity and commitment], about the institution’s 150 years of history.
“With this inauguration, the Hospital Evangèlic de Barcelona continues to write a history of service and commitment to the city and to the evangelical community, looking to the future with the same vocation of care and love for fellow men and women that has marked its trajectory for 150 years,” added Gualda.
The hospital, with the motto, “a hospital where people take care of people,” is the third oldest hospital in Barcelona offering intermediate care with integrated services for effective patient recovery. It has been part of the public health network since 1976, with a focus not only on physical and emotional but also spiritual well-being. It has five values of integrity, compassion, excellence, cooperation and faith.
The hospital has also set up an innovative XPA program (Patient Experience), which encourages patients to participate in their recovery process. It enables staff to be more sensitive to patients’ individual needs and preferences.
Another unique offering is the hospital’s support, befitting its Christian foundation, with local partner organizations as well as non profits helping vulnerable people, such as +QSalut, MercyShips and Sociedad Bíblica. The hospital took part in a Nurses’ Christian Fellowship World Congress, sharing experiences and practises, as reported earlier by Christian Daily International.
“An essential pillar of the hospital’s work are its volunteers, many of whom come from evangelical communities,” said Gualda. “They play a key role, providing emotional, spiritual and practical support to patients and their families, reflecting the spirit of service and love for one’s neighbor.”
Gualda added that the Hospital Evangèlic de Barcelona, for all these reasons, offers more than a standard medical care center.
“It is an institution committed to the integral well-being of people, rooted in Christian values and a clear vocation of service. With over a century of dedication and a future packed with innovative projects, this hospital continues to be a beacon of hope and compassion in the city of Barcelona.”
Another opening event for the hospital is due this December, 2024.