Christian Council of Korea says WEA General Assembly 'absolutely impossible' amid ongoing leadership concerns

CCK President Rev. Kyung-hwan Ko.
CCK President Rev. Kyung-hwan Ko. Christian Daily Korea

The Christian Council of Korea (CCK), led by President Rev. Kyung-hwan Ko, has declared that the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) General Assembly in Seoul is “absolutely impossible,” vowing to expose its issues through a forum and a white paper.

In a press release issued on March 12, CCK stated, “To date, WEA has taken no action regarding concerns raised by various figures,” reaffirming its stance against the assembly.

CCK cited its severance of ties with WEA years ago, attributing it to “serious issues of religious pluralism and syncretism involving former WEA Secretary General Thomas Schirrmacher, as well as theological and doctrinal concerns regarding WEA leadership.”

To further clarify what it sees as fundamental theological issues with WEA, CCK announced plans to hold a forum with distinguished theological scholars. Details regarding the schedule and presentations will be released at a later date.

“The forum will thoroughly address WEA’s theological issues, including its doctrinal deviations from a systematic theology perspective and its stance on biblical authority from practical and historical perspectives,” CCK stated. “The resulting materials will be distributed to churches nationwide to inform the Korean church about WEA’s true nature.”

Rev. Ko asserted, “It is absolutely unacceptable for WEA to hold its General Assembly in Korea while theological concerns about its leadership remain unresolved. Through the white paper, we will clearly outline elements and actions that appear to indicate WEA’s apostasy. This will prevent future generations of megachurch pastors from making the mistake of saying, ‘Our predecessors hosted the assembly, so we can too,’ even 10 or 20 years from now.”

CCK has previously issued five statements raising concerns about WEA’s key leadership figures.

Originally published by Christian Daily Korea, translated and edited by Christian Daily International staff.

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