Argentina opens first evangelical university, aiming to combine faith and academic excellence

Pastor Osvaldo Carnival
Pastor Osvaldo Carnival, promoter and founder of the Argentine Evangelical University. Photo by Diario Cristiano

Argentina marked a milestone in its educational history Saturday with the inauguration of the country’s first evangelical university.

Located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Parque Chacabuco, the Universidad Evangélica del Cono Sur opened its doors with the goal of offering higher education that integrates academic excellence with Christian values.

Silvia Arn de Mateo, rector of the university, expressed gratitude for the support received during the years of preparation and realization of the project.

“From the beginning, this project has been guided by the faith, effort and commitment of men and women who believe in education as a powerful tool to transform lives and societies,” she said.

“Our purpose is not only to impart knowledge, but also to strengthen character, instill values and prepare our students to serve with integrity wherever they may work. We seek not only to transmit knowledge, but to cultivate hearts willing to serve, critical minds seeking the truth and hands ready to transform the world with love and justice,” she added.

The opening ceremony took place in the auditorium of Catedral de la Fe. Pastor Osvaldo Carnival, founder of the church and the university, said the institution “will combine academic excellence with Christian values,” aiming to train leaders committed to transforming society through their vocation and faith.

Arn, who is also a former vice president of the Alianza Cristiana de Iglesias Evangélicas de la República Argentina (ACIERA), said the project emerged as a visionary response to the country’s educational and spiritual needs, with a particular focus on working-class communities.

Dr. Silvia Arn de Mateo
Dr. Silvia Arn de Mateo Photo by Diario Cristiano

“I realized that when you have a dream, you embrace it and share it, the dream brings together the exact people needed for it to materialize. I am very moved, from the bottom of my heart, that you are all here. Each one has something to do with the university, which is like a child. Some say, ‘Well, you finally had the child.’ And it’s not the end. The story is just beginning,” Carnival said.

The event was attended by political figures including Buenos Aires Mayor Jorge Macri; Sens. Martín Lousteau, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro and Guadalupe Tagliaferri; Secretary of Worship Nahuel Sotelo; and Buenos Aires Human Development Minister Gabriel Mraida. Pastors from across the country were also present, along with ACIERA leaders, teachers, students and other guests with evangelical backgrounds.

Dr. Norbert Saracco
Dr. Norbert Saracco Photo by Diario Cristiano

Norberto Saracco, pastor and former rector of the Latin American Faculty of Theological Studies, delivered the invocation and dedicated the new university to God. Recognition plaques were also presented by the Catholic University of Santa Fe and the board of directors of ACIERA.

Following the formal program, Macri led the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The university currently offers three undergraduate degrees: a bachelor’s in theology, a bachelor’s in technology management and a bachelor’s in design and management of audiovisual content. These four-year degrees are officially recognized by the Ministry of Education and have national validity.

In addition to its academic programs, the institution emphasizes a holistic approach to student development. It offers English courses, cultural workshops — such as theater, dance, singing and musical comedy — and diplomas in areas including therapeutic accompaniment, web development, robotics and programming, security and community management.

A distinctive element is its continuous pastoral support, providing students with guidance in their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

The university’s infrastructure includes 10 classrooms, an auditorium that seats 3,000, an assembly hall for 280 students and a radio studio. These modern facilities aim to support dynamic, innovative learning in line with 21st-century demands. The school currently has a capacity for 800 students, with 500 already enrolled for the inaugural academic year.

Presentation of the academic secretary and course directors by Sebastián Carnival.
Presentation of the academic secretary and course directors by Sebastián Carnival. Photo by Diario Cristiano

The launch of the university represents a significant step for Argentina’s evangelical community, which makes up 15.3% of the population, according to the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. The initiative not only broadens educational options but also reinforces the institutional presence of evangelical churches by offering an academic alternative that blends professional development with spiritual formation.

With the inauguration of the Evangelical University of the Southern Cone, Argentina joins other Latin American countries in establishing higher education institutions with evangelical identities, setting a precedent for the region and opening new opportunities for thousands of young people seeking a comprehensive education.

Originally published by Diario Cristiano, Christian Daily International's Spanish edition.

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