Having joined the Christian Daily International team on August 1, 2024, the privilege falls to me as Opinion Editor to select my top 10 opinion pieces for the year. This is an entirely subjective exercise and in no way reflects negatively other contributions, all of which were excellent.
If I were to commit to a method and rationale for ranking, it would be the relevance of the theme to the global Church. The thematic order was influenced either by the frequency that the topic was addressed in an opinion piece and/or the opportunity represented by the topic for the spreading of our faith. The opinions linked are those that I feel best represented the theme in 2024.
10. Amplifying Voices
Opinion: We will let the whole world know (introducing Dr Jay Mātenga).
This was my inaugural editorial, establishing my intentions for the opinion section. In short, I desire to amplify the opinions of followers of Jesus, who are faithful to the Bible and passionate about the gospel, and are least heard in the global Church. For some, those opinions may not be popular and/or misunderstood, but the voices expressed still deserve to be heard.
The global Body of Christ thrives in biblically faithful diversity.
The global Body of Christ thrives in biblically faithful diversity. The Holy Spirit matures us when we seek to understand theological perspectives from other contexts. This is because interpersonal and intercultural engagement with other believers triggers the renewing of our mind that transforms us, as Paul teaches in Romans 12.
9. Testimonies
Opinion: Tourism, war, and healing: finding new purpose amid uncertainty in Palestine.
God is most clearly revealed as living and active in our world today in the testimonies of people who have encountered God in a significant way. We aim to increase our publishing of first-hand testimonies via the CDI Opinion section. The 2024 opinion chosen to represent this theme speaks of deep faith in God and hope for the future in the midst of the direst circumstances.
8. Resilience
Opinion: But what do you really want—deep desires and necessary plans.
The gospel is a message that reaches into every part of our lives and liberates us.
We have tapped into a rich vein of opinion about how to live well as followers of Jesus. Opinions in this theme range from grass-roots church goers to pastors and church coaches to highly qualified psychology professors. The gospel is a message that reaches into every part of our lives and liberates us to fully participate in God’s saving and healing purposes for the world. The opinion linked provided some great teaching about resilience as rooted in our purpose in God.
7. Identity
Opinion: The gospel has the power to overcome the apartheid racial classification “coloured” in South Africa—part 1 and part 2.
It is somewhat simplistic to say that our identity is in Christ. That is most assuredly true in an eternal sense, because all followers of Jesus are and will be citizens of God’s kingdom, shaped by the Spirit according to the ethics and values of that realm.
We come to Christ with any number of identity attributes that should not be suppressed.
But we come to Christ with any number of identity attributes that should not be suppressed in favor of some uniform ideal imposed by a particular culture holding power over other expressions of the faith in unhealthy dominance. Every tribe, language, people, and nation (including wonderfully blended ethnicities) brings distinctive manifestations of God’s grace into the Body of Christ.
The opinions linked to this theme comprise a fascinating two-part cultural identity journey, exclusive to Christian Daily International. The pieces also explore issues of indigeneity and justice.
6. Technology
Opinion: Post-pandemic online church revolution or temporary exile.
Digital and artificial intelligence technologies are advancing so rapidly they are outpacing most Christians’ ability to effectively utilize the tools for God’s glory. In excess, some tools are likely to do just the opposite: tempt us to accept them as our own personal god. Great wisdom is required. Taking the positive view, the selected opinion article for this theme provides a helpful theological reflection about the way God’s people should understand and appreciate digital engagement.
5. Elder Care
Opinion: After Lausanne 4: a doctor calls on churches to remember aging populations.
We did not receive a lot of commentary about the world’s aging population in 2024, but it remains a significant global theme with much relevance to churches. The article linked for this theme is a superb reflection on the ministry opportunities amongst the elderly, especially as populations age in developed nations and medically assisted dying becomes more prevalent.
4. Creation Care
Opinion: Making biblical sense of climate crises and creation care.
Our Genesis 1:26-28 & 2:15 guardianship mandate to fill, nurture, control, and protect creation is a theme that has become increasingly important as we suffer the consequences of climate change due to widespread industrial abuses. This issue is not going away any time soon and we welcome well researched commentary. The opinion representing this theme was among the most popular articles read in 2024.
3. Conflict
Opinion: The light of Bethlehem still shines brightly in the midst of crisis and suffering.
We could already be experiencing World War 3.
By strict technical definition we could already be experiencing World War 3 as major international conflicts continue to rage with little sign of a reprieve, like Russia vs Ukraine (and, by proxy, NATO) and Israel vs Palestine/Lebanon/Syria/Iran. Civil wars are continuing in Sudan and other African nations, Myanmar, Haiti, and numerous other states.
Then there are tensions between North and South Korea, China and Taiwan that are not abating and threaten destabilize East Asia. Yet the followers of Jesus in these conflict zones persevere, trusting God in hope for a better future. Such hope permeates the article selected for this theme.
2. Migration
Opinion: Why migrants are a means of grace.
Global conflict increases the volume of people on the move, but it can also put migrants at risk if they have settled in a country that ends up at war with their region of origin. Nations require migrants to help fuel their economies, yet citizens struggle to adapt to new ethnicities in their neighborhoods. If increasing nationalism in developed nations results in restricting immigrant numbers it will put stress on economies as well as limit options for forcibly displaced people, adding to already tragic suffering. The article selected for this theme provides a unique theological perspective about migration that we do well to take to heart.
1. Lausanne 4
Opinion: A response to Lausanne 4: from experience, persecution is both sacred and communal.
For many leaders in the global Evangelical Church, Lausanne 4 was a hot topic of conversation in 2024. I wrote and published my views in a three-part series and numerous other opinions were published in addition to Christian Daily International’s peerless coverage of the event. Another issue Christian Daily International covers well is persecution. Since it is well represented in our news releases, I have not included persecution as a theme for the opinion section, but the article chosen to represent the Lausanne 4 theme covers both issues: a critical reflection about Lausanne 4’s one-dimensional presentation of persecution.
Honourable mention
Opinion: Telling the story of God a better way.
We would love it if you shared your favourite opinion pieces with your friends on social media.
The article that received the most views in 2024 was from a popular missions specialist and writer who promoted his republished piece on his social media platform—we would love it if you shared your favourite opinion pieces with your friends on social media too! That influence aside, this article stands out as an excellent educational commentary about evangelism. We need to become much more competent at sharing the good news of life in Christ.
May your 2025 be full of wonderful opportunities to follow Jesus by loving God, loving one another, loving your neighbors, loving your enemies, and loving not your life unto death (Revelation 12:11).