Family & Children

  • US Surgeon General advocates for tobacco-style warning labels on social media platforms

    In an opinion article in the New York Times yesterday, June 17, United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy has urged immediate action to address the escalating mental health crisis among young people exacerbated by social media. Drawing from his experience in emergency medicine, he emphasized the urgency of the situation: "In an emergency, you don’t have the luxury to wait for perfect information. You assess the available facts, you use your best judgment, and you act quickly."

  • Does Christian education matter anymore?

    In a secular society where ‘faith-based’ learning institutions are often viewed as fossils of a bygone age, education today is widely considered the rightful domain of secular governments. Should governments even allow ‘special’ religious-based education anymore? Hasn’t religion caused so many conflicts in the past? Shouldn’t education be based on scientific facts, not ‘superstitious’ beliefs? Even believers have to ask themselves, does Christian education matter anymore?


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