

  • How Christian universities crash and burn

    The reason for the decline of biblically faithful Protestant educational institutions is not difficult to track. Denying the authority of scripture and historically orthodox Christian beliefs are key factors. Presidents who allow faculty leaders to recruit theologically liberal or unbelieving staff undermine the central mission of the institution, rebel against the founding principles, and are answerable for the decline that typically follows. However, it becomes clear in this opinion that it is

  • Parental advisory: the danger of smartphones for a child's faith

    The screen dopamine snare is an epidemic among children who are provided access to smart phones and other portable smart devices. Research suggests numerous negative impacts but it will be some time before we have definitive findings. Much harm could be done in the meantime, however, to children's well-being and to their faith as they enter adulthood. We know enough now to make changes, but will it be too little too late?

  • An introduction to the new book: Leading From Below

    Taking editor's privilege, CDI Opinion Editor Jay Mātenga introduces a new book to the Christian leadership market that he had some involvement in bringing to life. Bill Taylor's "Leading From Below" is a counter-cultural yet biblically-faithful reflection on leadership from a veteran of the Evangelical global missions community. This is a landmark volume full of anecdotes from decades of leadership experience, providing an insider's perspective of what many wonder global Christian leadership mi

  • What to do when people online are wrong—should Christians be political commentators?

    It is not unusual to be triggered by an opinion or comments in mainstream or social media that we feel strongly against. The relatively anonymous nature of the internet feeds the urge to respond with a strong corrective. If we think we are representing Christianity well in this way, we do well to pause and think again, informed by these insights from an Evangelical political commentator in the United Kingdom.


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