Tope Adebola

Tope Adebola

Tope Adebola loves the oeuvre of Sir Terry Pratchett and has read 19 of the 40 Discworldbooks. She is fluent in English and Dutch, and can conduct (very) small talk in Yoruba and French. Tope’s areas of interest include trauma recovery and cultural captivity in the Church. She worships at the Lekki plant of Sovereign Grace Bible Church in Lagos, Nigeria.

Articles by Tope Adebola

  • Africa

    Churches can do better to help victims of abuse

    When it comes to helping victims of abuse, the church is often seen to be lacking in rigorous responses. There is a tendency to downplay the abuser’s actions and focus on the survivor’s response. This can lead to survivors seeking refuge in places outside the church, such as psychologists’ offices. I decided to trust the church.