Manik Corea

Manik Corea

Manik Corea is a Singaporean of Sri Lankan/Indian descent. He is the National Director of the Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM) and Associate Pastor of Crossroads International Church in Singapore. Prior to this, Manik served for 22 years as a missionary with the New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS) in the USA, UK, Thailand, and Singapore. He is ordained in the Anglican Church of North America and serves his diocese as a Global Consultant in Missions. Manik has a Masters in Intercultural Studies (Church-Planting) from Asbury Theological Seminary and is currently on their Doctor of Ministry programme. You can follow Manik's writing on his Substack "The Upward Call".

Articles by Manik Corea

  • Asia

    A case for the gospel for every context with wisdom and grace

    How do we share the Christian message in a way that makes it intelligible to peoples who do not share similar conceptual-belief system to ours, or one near enough for us to find common ground? How can the Gospel speak through us to a people of foreign tongue and disparate beliefs?