Janet Epp Buckingham

Janet Epp Buckingham

Janet Epp Buckingham is Director of the WEA Office to the United Nations in Geneva. Janet is a Professor of Political Studies at Trinity Western University with a research focus on religious freedom law in Canada and internationally. She is also the Co-Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (Vancouver). She has a doctorate in Public Law from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Articles by Janet Epp Buckingham

  • A compelling rationale for why Christians should engage at the United Nations

    Why bother with the UN? Contrary to conspiracy theorists, representatives of World Christianity can have a positive influence on global politics in such a way that helps churches flourish and the gospel spread as a blessing to all nations. In this opinion, the Director of the World Evangelical Alliance Office to the United Nations in Geneva gives us a behind the scenes view of how we can influence the UN to better appreciate the role of faith in society.