Gareth Jones

Gareth Jones

Professor Gareth Jones is Emeritus Professor of Anatomy, University of Otago. He writes on ethical issues in the reproductive technologies, and at the border between anatomy and ethics. His most recent book is D Gareth Jones, At the Margins: A Life in Biomedical Science, Faith, and Ethical Dilemmas, Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock, Eugene OR, 2022; paperback 9781666744712; ebook 9781666744736.

Articles by Gareth Jones

  • Asia Europe Middle East

    Christian professor of anatomy speaks out about Olympic female boxers: 'A non-binary reality'

    The furore generated by two female boxers in the Olympics has illustrated two things: false information spreads very rapidly, and there is a considerable lack of understanding about the diversity of sexual expression. All too readily these two become conflated into a dubious and dangerous recipe for misinformation and hurt. Contrary to simplistic moral arguments, determining someone’s sex can on occasion be very complicated. Christians need to remain aware that there are people appearing in the