Danson Ottawa

Danson Ottawa is the National Coordinator for the Africa Center for Apologetics Research (ACFAR), Kenya, a ministry equipping believers in Africa for the defense of the faith, biblical discernment, and cult evangelism. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies at Africa International University. Danson fellowships at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Nairobi-Kenya.

Articles by Danson Ottawa

  • An Old Testament theology of prosperity

    An Old Testament theology of prosperity

    The prosperity gospel teaches that God wants his people to be wealthy and healthy. At its core is often the idea that in Christ God has restored to us the blessings of the covenant made with Abraham. These blessings are understood in a primarily material way, including good health, economic prosperity, and an all-round victory in most areas of life. Prosperity gospel preachers rely heavily on the Old Testament to make this case, arguing that God promises his people abundant wealth and abounding