Michelle Ntalami, one of Kenya’s young women entrepreneurs and a popular social media personality, announced that she is no longer part of the LGBTQ+ community after her encounter with Christ. Ntalami said she took time to seek God in prayer about her lifestyle that is a “prevalent stronghold in our world today.”
Ntalami, who is the co-founder and Chief Executive of Marini Naturals, a haircare company, said she made the decision to share her testimony with the world in obedience to God.
“I stand as a conqueror in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Since my life-changing encounter with Christ, I no longer identify as androsexual. And for a long time now, I am not part of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Ntalami on her Instagram account which has over 560,000 followers.
She said that God revealed to her the truth about her past life choices and how it was against His divine plan for humanity. Without providing details about her past, Ntalami said she took a wrong turn during a vulnerable time in her life where she was going through grief, loss and pain.
“I believed it would bring healing and truth but it shuttered and confused me more. Deep down, I knew it was never meant for me. On that day, God confirmed this, He healed and set me free!” said Ntalami.
She added that she understands the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community emphasizing that her statement was not to condemn anyone. “However, our feelings, preferences, experiences and culture do not determine the truth. You are dealing with dark spiritual forces that are deeper than your own understanding. The good news is, there is hope for those who truly seek freedom. It starts by accepting Jesus into your life,” said Ntalami.
The social media personality first announced that she had surrendered her life to Christ on her YouTube channel on May 23, 2024. She shared a detailed powerful encounter with God that happened in August 2023 which led to a life-changing transformation and a nine-month social-media break after that experience.
“I felt like I was hitting rock bottom, like the emotional pain of everything that I have gone through was taking a toll on me. I recall one time I was in my room and I had these thoughts that ‘this is the end of my life’ and that ‘my best days are behind me’, and I was just seeing so much darkness,” remembered Ntalami.
It was during this time that she thought about her life, death and God in a way she hadn’t done before. She cried out to God who reminded her that He still loves her despite the choices she had made.
Ntalami said she now uses her social media accounts to glorify God through her testimony. She deleted her previous instagram posts choosing to start afresh based on an identity grounded in Jesus.
“I vowed to use my platform to influence (the world) for Christ. As bold as I was in the secular world, is as bold as I will be for Jesus: I, Michelle Ntalami, stand for God’s Word alone, and my identity is found only IN CHRIST."
She said that God had sent pastors and godly friends to support and encourage her through her faith journey. Ntalami reiterated that her ‘scars’ from her past have become a platform for her to share the gospel. Since her public declaration of salvation, she has been invited to several church events, youth meetings and conferences to speak about her testimony.
“So much gratitude to you all; my Senior Pastors, my powerful Spiritual prayer cover and counsel, my church, my Kingdom friends, my ever-supportive fans and followers, the media and blogs, those praying for me and fighting battles on my behalf in the natural and spiritual, and the entire body of Christ for holding me up,” said Ntalami.